Spring Cleaning!

Did you know it’s already spring? The equinox was about a week ago which means winter (as we know it in Hawaii) is behind us and the new season is here. Growing up outside Philadelphia, spring always meant a couple things to me. One, my mom made me try on all the clothes in my closet (all of them) to see what we could keep and what we could donate. Two, I could start playing some more outdoor football with the guys since skiing season was behind me.

Now that I’m a ‘few‘ years older, spring has a different meaning. Now it’s about cleaning out the house, getting rid of stuff I no longer want or need. It’s almost therapeutic in that it ‘cleanses’ the home, freeing up space. You can breathe more easily. If we’re not careful, our stuff ends up owning us instead of us owning it. So take this time to go through the stuff in your closets and elsewhere — and be honest in what you want to keep and what you need to keep. It’s tough, I know!

Spring is also about flowers and greenery in general. Diamond Head has looked unbelievably green this past winter after the drought brown of the 2010 season. I take to the hiking trails most weekends here on Oahu and I’m constantly reminded of the beautiful plants and flowers we have here in Hawaii.

What are your garden plans for the new season? Are you trying something new, maybe adding some variety to the flower beds by the driveway? What about a rock bed? They’re more popular on the Big Island, but I LOVE the look of a basalt rock garden along the front or side of a house.

Share your green thumb plans here with others!

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