Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Very short post here. I just want to personally wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! For most of my life, I think Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday. Whether it was growing up in Pottstown, Pennsylvania or in Washington DC, my home before Honolulu, there’s always been something very special about this holiday to me. Back East, the leaves outside have turned red, orange and yellow, there’s a nice chill in the air and my dog Indy is ready to play in the backyard. Inside, there’s football on the tube and my mom is making snacks all day until the extended family comes and we have our big meal, after which we’re traditionally stuffed like the turkey we just ate. Even when living in DC, I’d always make the 3-hour drive up I-95 to be home.

Here in Hawaii, it’s obviously a bit different! There’s a bit of mileage between here and my family, but I’ll be celebrating with fantastic friends as I always do and will still eat more than my share. The leaves outside are still green, of course, but the winds have been very breezy the past few days and the “winter” season is slowly making itself to Hawaii (forgive me for putting “winter” in quotes, but I grew up ice skating and skiing and occasionally wearing things like “sweatshirts” when the temperature dropped!). In fact, the Starbucks I’m sitting in right now is quite chilly — although from the air conditioning and not the snowflakes painted on the windows.

Here’s my short list of things I’m personally thankful for this Thanksgiving 2011:



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