Getting Air Time on TinyTV!

Screenshot of owner Michael Borger on TinyTV radio show

Live With Friends on Tiny Tadani TV!

So last Friday I once again had the privilege of appearing on TInyTV, one of Hawaii’s favorite local television shows, with my fellow real estate investor friends, Brodi Goshi, Kaleo McCabe and Jon Kutsmeda. It was my third appearance on the show. Of course, I got to talk about Big Rock Investments a bit along with my other Hawaii real estate site, And Kaleo got a live haircut (hey, it can’t be all serious on Aloha Friday).

But the main thing we talked about was the Hawaii Real Estate Investor & Entrepreneur Mastermind Meetup group. Okay, that’s a mouthful, so let’s call it by its nickname, The Action Takers. This is a group that Jon started last year and that I’ve helped as co-organizer since the fall. We meet every other Wednesday for an investor happy hour. No lectures, no guest speakers, games, nothing. Just good people getting together, people that TAKE ACTION and are actively marketing, finding deals, signing contracts and taking responsibility for their future. No tire kickers here!

As Jon and I believe, it’s the this level of deep networking that forges solid business relationships. Think about it — would you want to partner with someone on a $500,000 deal if you only knew them by a quick icebreaker game and exchange of business cards? Not likely. But if you got to know them at a deeper level — their reason for being in this business, their passions, their families, their demeanor, their trustworthiness — then you might be willing to join forces.

Trust is HUGE in the real estate business. This goes for investor-investor, investor-end buyer or any other relationship where contracts or real estate in Hawaii is bought and sold. With all the distrust permeating the mortgage and overall financial sectors the last few years, is there anything more important? I don’t think so.

So I hope you enjoyed our appearance on Tiny Tadani’s TinyTV on local OC-16. If you weren’t able to catch it, I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m scheduled to be on again. We had a lot of fun, as usual, so future appearances are just around the corner. Thanks again to my investor friends Brodi and Kaleo and for my fellow native Philadelphian and Flyers fan Jon for joining me!

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